Meet heyBug™️, your scalp's new BFF

Invigorate your tresses with a scalp massager that builds hair fuller and stronger (and won't tangle delicate strands).

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heyBug™️ Unique Features

  • Hypoallergenic massage heads made from 100% silicone gently exfoliate dead skin cells and promote new capillary formation.
  • Concentrated red light therapy beam deeply penetrates scalp to increase ATP production of hair follicles.
  • Easy-to-use USB-C charging let's you take it anywhere on-the-go.
  • Designed with you in mind- heyBug is water resistant and can be used while you shower for a deeper clean.

  • Stimulates Scalp

    Deep massage and red light therapy work together to dilate blood vessels, clean your scalp, and increase cellular activity that fosters the formation of new blood vessels a.k.a. hair growth.

  • Heals From Within

    Red light therapy has been proven effective to improve circulation to your scalp, reduce inflammation, increase collagen production, and enhance the absorption of topical treatments.

  • Ultimate Relaxation

    Powerful silicone heads provide a 360 degrees life-like massage that promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety and stress, and can help you get a better night of sleep.

See Dramatic Hair Growth Fast

In recent studies, 85% of customers say that they experienced a dramatic increase in fullness and length during the first 90 days of use.

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What People Are Saying

Over 1,500 Happy Customers

We are dedicated to providing you the best quality service and your satisfaction is our highest priority. That's why we offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee on all orders no questions asked.

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Disclaimer: The advice provided by HeyScalp is not intended to diagnose or treat any scalp conditions. It is offered for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Users are encouraged to consult with their healthcare provider or a qualified medical professional regarding any concerns or conditions related to their scalp health. HeyScalp assumes no liability for any actions taken by users based on the information provided.